AKR Madibos lyderystės institute, Dakaras
"Peace Tech" vyresnysis projektų vadovas Nathanas Coyle'as, atsakingas už visą su "Peace Tech" susijusią veiklą ir skaitmeninę plėtrą, dalyvavo Dakare (Senegalas) esančiame Madibos lyderystės institute vykusioje konferencijoje. Natanas, atstovaujantis AKP, augMENTOR...
Athens Science Festival 2024
The Athens Science Festival 2024 took place from April 16 to 21, at Technopolis City of Athens under the theme “Tales of Change”. Innovation and technology were at the heart of this grand event, inviting visitors of all ages to a unique interactive journey of...
Second joint podcast is out
In the context of strengthening collaborations with our sister projects, we launched the 2nd episode of our joint podcast series with the e-Diploma project. The series hosts discussions between academics from augMENTOR and a sister project, who present aspects of...
We’re multilingual!
Translated in all our partners' languages, augMENTOR's Home, About, and Pilots sections of the website are now available in Greek, French, German, Serbian, and Lithuanian on top of English. We’re invested in promoting equal access to education and this translation...
Leveraging Cognitive and Social Engagement in Blended Learning Through an AI-Augmented Pedagogical Framework
Filippidi, A., Karachristos, C., Lavidas, K., Komis, V., & Karacapilidis, N. (2023, July). Leveraging Cognitive and Social Engagement in Blended Learning Through an AI-Augmented Pedagogical Framework. In International Conference in Methodologies and intelligent...
An Advanced Explainable and Interpretable ML-Based Framework for Educational Data Mining
Livieris, Ioannis E., et al. "An advanced explainable and interpretable ML-based framework for educational data mining." International Conference in Methodologies and intelligent Systems for Techhnology Enhanced Learning. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023. Over...